
Find your nearest partner to do your next project around the house. (This information is regarding Denmark only.)

At BAYO.S you have the opportunity to become a Business Partner. This gives you a number of advantages when building with BAYO.S screw foundations

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BAYO.S Business Partner

As a Business Partner with BAYO.S, your company gains a number of benefits. These will be exposed on BAYO.S website, social media marketing; Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

You get the opportunity to contact BAYO.S to get technical advice on the project the Business Partner is going to perform. The business partner will receive a fixed discount on the entire BAYO.S screw range and will also earn a bonus on the purchase of screw foundations.

The Business Partner has the option to purchase special tools for installing the screws at a competitive price. BAYO’s task is to try to refer customers to the Business Partner.

A Business Partner can be a large construction company that, for example, wants to build a holiday home on screws. Carpentry companies, playground manufacturers, annex manufacturers, holiday home manufacturers can also benefit from using screw foundations. In addition, year-round home manufacturers, landscapers and gazebo manufacturers can benefit from becoming a Business Partner.

As a Business Partner, the company, together with BAYO.S, will have the opportunity to bid on contracts where BAYO.S will install the screw foundation, and thereby the Business Partner will receive a bonus on the project that BAYO.S performs.

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